We strongly encourage all U.S. business owners, actually all U.S. citizens, to have a listen to this Fresh Air podcast with New York Times' national security correspondent David Sanger. "Sanger says U.S. officials worry that foreign powers have planted malware that could take down critical infrastructure, including the electric power grid and cell phone systems."

Sanger's new book is 'The Perfect Weapon.' From the book description: "The Perfect Weapon is the dramatic story of how great and small powers alike slipped into a new era of constant sabotage, misinformation, and fear, in which everyone is a target."

We think the story will give you a better sense of the role you play in this nearly invisible war going on around us.

Here's the podcast and here's a link to the book on Amazon

fresh air podcast logo title

Fresh Air podcast "War, Sabotage, and Fear in the Cyber Age"

By the way, our ideal client is serious about securing their systems to the best possible extent. If you fit that description and are located in the US, give us a call.

 Contact Computer Experts Group At 914-644-6471